Thursday, March 18, 2010

In you opinion what does it mean to be "Green"? How can we use technology to be "Green"? Why is this important?

In my opinion to be green means to be healthy and fit,technology can be used to be green by,using less resources and is important because we have to keep our plant healthy and clean,so it can be a good environment.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why use "tags" when bookmarking web resources? How are these "tags" helpful?

because tags are more convenient than tags, tags are also helpful because instead of clicking on the bookmark list you can just kick on the tab.

Friday, March 12, 2010

How can you tell if information is an opinion or if it is a fact? Give an example of an opinion and a fact on the same topic.

The way you can tell it is a fact is if it has listed sources, but you can tell if its an a opinion if someone says i think that___?
one fact is barrack Obama is the first Black President.
one opinion is that Mc Donalds has better food than Burger King.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

All websites and information on the Internet is not 100% correct. How do you know if a the website or information is credible?

First You have to check and see if the website has good feedback, or if it is a commonly used, maybe even how known the website is.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do you think that students should be allowed to use cell phones in school? How do you think cell phones could be used to enhance learning in the cla

Yes but only for emergencies, they could be used to enhance learning by communicating through via text messaging cheating.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why do you think you published your project online? Does publishing your project make it more relevant? Is publishing a form of collaboration? Why?

Why do you think you published your project online? Does publishing your project make it more relevant? Is publishing a form of collaboration? Why?

yes it does because your sharing it with all your followers and your getting their feedback.
yes its a form of collaboration its public so anyone can view it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Why do you think it is so important to understand what you need to do (identify the task), before you begin working on a project, assignment or proble

it is very important you understand what you are doing before you do it,because if you don't may do it wrong or incorrect.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do you think the HSPA is a fair test for the 21st Century? Does the HSPA accurately measure the skills that you need to succeed today and in the futur

Do you think the HSPA is a fair test for the 21st Century? Does the HSPA accurately measure the skills that you need to succeed today and in the future? Defend your answer.

yes its a fair test for the 21st century, no not really the HSPA doesn't measure up to the skills needed in the future. Its just to see what you have learned in High school throughout the years.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do you think the HSPA test should be given on a computer or over the Internet? Why?

yes it should,because not all teens are capable of making it to the test site.